Last year it occurred to me that if X-Box or online gaming proficiency relied on knowledge of how to cook and follow a recipe, my kids would be masterchefs.  The reality however, is that unless I am making chocolate chip cookies or cakes, my children are not interested in learning to cook or how to feed themselves whatsoever.

Schools these days focus so much on passing exams that basic skills such as cooking are being lost.

At some point, my children will move away from home and will find themselves responsible for making (hopefully) nutritious, balanced, interesting and delicious meals for themselves, their roommates and in time, their own families. It will be a steep learning curve!

Rather than compile a stack of handwritten family recipes and tips or drip feed them emails with tried and tested meal ideas (like my parents kindly did for me), I decided to put them all onto a website that they could dip into whenever it suited them.  If these recipes and ideas are of any use to anyone else, GREAT!

Some of these recipes have been handed down to me by my parents and grandparents and others are the product of tinkering with ingredients and flavours.  I hope that they inspire my children (and hopefully others too), to eat delicious and lovingly prepared food.

All of the photographs have been taken by me in my kitchen.  Before starting the website I had barely picked up a camera and certainly knew nothing about the “online world” so it has been a very steep learning curve – one that is continuing!  So if there are any suggestions for improvement or comments please feel free to contact me.


Meredith x

(+44) 07720289419